Members or non-members requesting the addition of their “product” to the Newsletter, the following policy will apply:
A “Local Info Box” has been created in the Newsletter, to include local sourced information; “useful to know” info, for example, an English speaking hairdresser or a news of a local author’s book.
Members would be advised that they would be able to place their “adverts” in the” Local Info Box” for free, ie we would no longer charge for advertising.
Members would also be advised that they would be able to advertise up to twice a year, at the editor’s discretion. However, we would no longer accept “proper” adverts, ie business cards.
Nevertheless, we would still offer members the occasional editorial (again, with editor’s discretion).
The Things To Do/Reminders would include any events that are in the newsletter, plus any further events if requested by a member. Especially if they are in English and/or local and likely to be of interest to our members. We will not include any services (as opposed to events) that have featured in the newsletter’s Local Information Box unless time-sensitive.
When a non-member of FIFI requests that we include their “advert” in the newsletter, we would advise them that this is not our policy, however, it may be possible to include it in the “Local Info Box”. This again would be with editorial discreti