Data protection statement
FiFi has a responsibility to all members to protect the data held for them. Data includes all names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and contact through Facebook and other social media.
Processing means communicating via computer or letter. Other ‘parties’ means those who are not FiFi members.
Data may only be used for the specific purpose for which it was collected.
Data must not be disclosed to other parties without the consent of the individual concerned, unless there is a legislation or other overriding legitimate reasons to share the information. It is an offence for other parties to obtain this personal data without permission.
Personal information should be kept no longer than is necessary and must be kept up-to-date.
Any individual who is granted access to the membership data base must have anti-virus software installed on their PC and the PC must be password protected.
Official emails from FiFi must be sanctioned by the Office Bearers before being sent out. Group leaders are authorised to send emails to their members.
In order to further protect our members’ emails, emails will always be sent as a bcc. Those sending emails should refer to Point 2 above.
In all circumstances, privacy and confidentiality should be respected.
When a member leaves the Association, for whatever reason, all contact data on that member will be removed from all records.
Photographs of members are taken at social and group events. These may be used on publicity material or the website unless a member of the Committee is told otherwise, in which case photographs of such members will not be used. Any photographer should take responsibility for ensuring that any photographs of children/vulnerable adults/non-members are not published by FIFI if permission is not given by that person or guardian. Members may be omitted from all photographs if they inform the photographer at the time.